Sunday, February 23 2025

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INTERNET TROLL (Principal): Tenor | 20 35 | Any Ethnicity | The internet
personified. He trolls, influences, mocks, and persuades all the characters onstage yet
remains “unseen.” He promotes an idea one instant, then immediately turns on his
heels and contradicts or disparages it. He sews chaos and relishes in it. Fun &
humorous character! 

BENT OLSEN (Principal): Tenor | 20 35 | White (Danish Descent) | Big
singing role. Collegeage guy who investigates leftist politics and becomes involved
in ANTIFA. Falls in love with a politically conservative girl. Abandons his extremism
and adopts a more moderate viewpoint.

ASHLYN the ANTIFA LEADER (Supporting): Soprano | 20 35 | White |
Political activist. Heavily involved in ANTIFA, feminism, and BLMtype causes. 

ALEX (Supporting): Tenor | 20 35 | Any Ethnicity | A transgender woman, masculine-presenting.
Veteran. Politically leftist and involved in ANTIFA. Outwardly
disdainful, but inwardly sympathetic towards fellow veteran who’s politically
conservative and homeless. Lively and optimistic, though struggles with mental

DYLAN the PASTAFARIAN (Supporting): Tenor, Baritone or Bass | 20 30 |
Any Ethnicity | Goofy collegeaged political activist heavily involved in ANTIFA.
Subscribes to “Pastafarianism” and discredits organized religion.

NICOLE the FEMINIST (Supporting): Soprano or Alto | 18 30 | Any
Ethnicity | Political activist heavily involved in feminism and ANTIFA. College student
in Oregon.

PHIL the NATIONALIST LEADER (Supporting): Baritone or Bass | 40 65 |
White | A Nationalist Leader who’s motivated by his love of his country, people, and
religion (rather than hatred of others).
A fatherly figure to his political group. Wears a tinfoil hata conspiracy theorist.

DAVE, NATIONALIST #1 (Supporting): Baritone or Tenor | 25 45 | White |
A Nationalist member who is motivated by love of his country, family, religion, and
people rather than hatred. An unassuming man.

JENS, NATIONALIST #2 (Supporting): Baritone or Tenor | 20 30 | White
(European) | Collegeaged Nationalist. Ambitious and headstrong. Thinks logically,
not emotionally. Fed up with crybabies and perversion of truth/ goodness.

STEPHANIE, NATIONALIST #3 (Supporting): Soprano | 20 30 | White |
College or post collegeaged Nationalist. Christian. Thinks logically, not emotionally.
Fed up with crybabies and perversion of truth/goodness. Understands history well.
Stands up for facts.

HOMELESS FRED (Supporting): Baritone | 35 65 | White | Homeless
veteran. Trump/MAGA supporter. Speaks bluntly. Struggles with depression due to
his homeless situation. Outwardly disdainful of but inwardly sympathetic towards a
fellow veteran who identifies as a transgender woman.

HALIM the WHITE HELMET (Supporting): Baritone or Tenor | 25 55 |
Middle Eastern/Ethnically Ambiguous (Syrian) | Muslim Syrian refugee who
loves Syria and is sad about its state of affairs (2019). Conversant in English, but
clearly his second language. Kind and rational. 

PASTOR ROMNEY (Secondary Supporting): NonSinging Role | 45 65 |
White | A Christian pastor and father of protagonist, college student Kayla. RINO
politically (“Republican In Name Only”claims to be republican but adheres to and
supports liberal policies). Loves, and is related to, Mitt Romney. Hates Trump.

HONEY (Secondary Supporting): NonSinging Role | 40 60 | White |
Politically conservative. Mildmannered, but fierce in defending her family and virtues.
Homemaker. Wife of Pastor Romney, mother of protagonist Kayla.